Monday, January 12, 2009

A Brush of a Different Bristle...

Very proud after today. Feeling a high off of it; can't sleep, wish there were more hours in the day. I LOVE this feeling! And I seem to be on auto pilot, at least for now. I do things without thinking about them too much, almost like I've formed HABITS. Good habits; such a concept!
What could possibly bring me down? Ha, I have a good answer to that question.
Super Bowl is looming.
Mom's having a GREAT day, just because Sean and I both had good news for her, mine of a more selfish nature but still good to her all the same. I feel a little sad that her whole day is made off of hearing from both of us. I know she's lonely, she's told me as much. I decided just now that this will be a good year for her.
I shouldn't be doing this before bed. Brandon warned me.

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