Saturday, January 10, 2009

New Me?

So far I've done everything I said I was going to do. That's new for me. I usually have the best of intentions and never follow through. I'd like to give myself the credit, but I know better. I'm always influenced by the people I surround myself with... at least it appears that I'm making better choices about those people.

I'm hoping I can influence a couple people in my life to do the same; I want to make them want to be better people. But it only works if I keep up the good work and don't slide back down the slope. Luckily, that's not really an option if I plan on keeping the company that I keep.

Is this it? Am I cured? Do I get to feel good about myself from now on? Can I now allow myself a little bit of pride, and will this change the way I hold myself in public?

I'm alarmed by two things:
One, that I couldn't do this on my own. Maybe that's just something I'll have to get over, maybe this is the only way. But I really wish I were stronger.
Two, I know where I'm slipping already. Nothing big, not yet. But I know there are things I'm avoiding taking care of, and they sit there in the back of my mind and keep me awake at night. Why, if I have the time, am I not making time?

I do know that I've made extreme leaps and bounds, and I shouldn't be so hard on myself. But I've been making excuses for a VERY long time, and at this point I know that that's ALL they are. I have absolutely no more excuses, I've used them all up.

Lets keep our fingers crossed and really BELIEVE that we are an adult, capable of handling our life and all aspects of that life, just like everyone else does every day.

It's still very early in the game, though...

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