Friday, January 23, 2009

On a Roll

Keeping up the good work. Got organized early, organized again before bed. Feelin good about that!
Had frantic dreams last night, B says I was thrashing my legs. Woke myself up making strange noises with my mouth :) I think I'm stressed, but the good kind of stress. It's exciting right now and I'm putting my integrity on the line with people. I have to prove myself, I can't fuck around and half-ass things like I'm used to doing. I conducted interviews today and was humbled by a few people. They know and love their line of work, and take pride in it. I can't say I've felt that way about anything in a long time...I want to deserve this position that I've been given. So that's why I'm nervous, but the good kind. So far so good, I'm making myself proud.
I wish I had the energy I feel at night in the morning. I'm so slow to start, I waste a lot of time.
I like Luna.

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